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Requirements to Install An EV Charging Station

Do you want to set up an electric vehicle charger on your property? In this article from our team at Emergency Electrician Beverly Grove, your local electrician for high-quality EV charger repair and service, we’ve covered all you need to know about putting up an EV charger at home or in the office.

If you have been keeping up with the latest news on automobiles, you know that the buzz right now (literally) is EVs. There has been a flood of new electric vehicles (EVs) and announcements of future EV releases from automakers. Soon, the number will only keep on growing. There are projections that by 2030, 50% or more of the automobiles, trucks, and SUVs sold in the United States will be electric vehicles.

As plug-in electric cars (PEVs) gain popularity, the installation of charging stations—also known as EVSE or electric vehicle supply equipment—in homes and businesses becomes increasingly important, as does the need for EV charger repair services. This guide from Emergency Electrician Beverly Grove is intended to help homeowners and electrical contractors obtain the permits needed to install EVSEs in private homes and public buildings.

Residential EVSE Permit

Here are the documents you will need to submit for a standard home EVSE installation permit:

  • Plot Layout

Provide a detailed diagram of the current parking arrangement and the intended position of EVSE parking spots per the actual buildings and other infrastructure.

  • Electrical Plans

A set of electrical plans includes simple diagrams of the entire system, including the EVSE and the point where it is connected to the power grid.

  • EVSE Guidelines

Installation procedure and charger parameters provided by the EVSE manufacturer

  • Power Demand Analysis

This is used to determine if a home’s current electrical service can support an electric vehicle charging station and residential wiring according to the California Electrical Code.

Commercial EVSE Requirements

Commercial EVSE installations are typically more involved than residential ones and may include supplementary filing paperwork or permissions.

When it comes to the safety of charging stations for electric vehicles, the technical installation standards focus on the following points in particular:

  • Requirements for Listing and Labeling
  • Methods of Wiring
  • Indoor Placement
  • Outdoor Sitting
  • Precautions for an Emergency Exit
  • Overcurrent Protection

In addition to a residential EVSE permit prerequisites, you need a tenant improvement electrical permit to install a commercial EVSE. Depending on the scope of your commercial installation, you may need to amend your current use permit or site plan to conform to local zoning regulations or community standards.

To Hardwire or Plug In An EV Charger: Which is Better?

Best Ev Charger Installation Service | Emergency Electrician Beverly Grove

It is already difficult to choose among the many available electric vehicle types. However, those who intend to charge at home must decide whether to install a hardwired or plug-in charging station. Electric vehicle chargers, whether of the plug-in or hardwired variety, require the expertise of a trained EV charger services provider to install properly.

As per the U.S. Department of Energy, more than 80% of electric vehicle owners charge their vehicles at home. Which EV supply equipment (EVSE) and charger accessories you choose depends on a myriad of factors, including the charging capacity of your EV, your financial conditions, and the flexibility of your EV charging setup.

Let’s dive deeper into the distinctions between hardwired and plug-in charging stations and how they could affect your final decision and overall satisfaction.

Hardwired EVSE

  • A residence with an EVSE hardwired into the electrical system is ideal. They are the illuminated boxes often placed next to the main electrical panel. This type of charger station can be installed anywhere risk-free, whether you do so indoors or out.
  • In a hardwired EV charging setup, an electrician runs a special 60A circuit directly from the home’s main breaker box to the area where you want your EV charger installed. Because it is connected to your electrical panel, this setup’s electric vehicle charging unit does not require a 240v outlet.
  • If you want to charge your EV outdoors, you should think about installing a hardwired charger. During rainstorms, a plug-in charger poses serious shock and fire threats if it is not properly insulated. Plus, installing a hardwired system is also unsuitable if you only rent.

Plug-In EVSE

  • You use a plug-in EV charger in the same fashion as household appliances: plugging them into a wall outlet. They are typically hung on the garage wall where the EV is kept, next to an electrical outlet. These wall-mounted gadgets have a more compact power wire that plugs directly into the wall rather than requiring a longer supply conduit.
  • You can plug a Level 1 charger into any standard 120V socket, so you probably already have many around your house and garage. A Level 2 plug-in charger, which is more common, requires a 240V outlet.
  • It is not advised to install a plug-in EVSE in a non-sheltered outdoor location. Outside use calls for an insulated outlet cover that can remain in place during use. It also is not meant to be constantly plugged in and disconnected. Lastly, using an old or damaged outlet could cause a fire, so check it regularly to ensure it is safe.


Remind the reader of the outcome or result achieved by following these steps.

Charging an electric vehicle at home or any public charging station is a big advantage over conventional gasoline-powered vehicles. Connecting your EVs to your EV charges at home is understandable, but the emergence of EV charging stations at the far ends of sprawling suburban parking lots and underground garages raises many unanswered questions.

If you plan to install an EV charger for your personal use or business, a great first step is contacting an established electrical contractor who has worked with EV charging equipment. After all, EV chargers must be installed per the manufacturer’s specific criteria, and only a certified electrical contractor can set it up following the state codes in your region.

Look for a business associate, like Emergency Electrician Beverly Grove, who will willingly spend time and effort to inform you about your property’s available choices.

Those who need an expert’s assistance to install an EV charger securely are welcome to contact our customer service team to book an appointment. Emergency Electrician Beverly Grove is ready 24/7 to serve you!